Since acquiring the farm in 2003 and putting it into organic conversion the Kelso family has committed to protect and work with nature.
So far we have planted several kilometres of native hedgerow and a small native woodland; introduced new ditch maintenance practices to encourage water voles; re-profiled a ditch and added a sluice to raise the water level, encouraging water plants and amphibians; put up numerous bird, owl and bat boxes; left field margins uncultivated as wildlife habitat and sown bee and bird-friendly seed mixes, among other things!
Species of interest on the farm
In addition to sparrowhawks, foxes, badgers, buzzards, brown hares and more, the following species recognised as in decline in the UK are breeding or feeding on the farm:
Red list species | Amber list species | |
Cuckoo Skylark Swift Starling Fieldfare House sparrow Tree sparrow Song thrush Water vole | Stock dove Tawny owl Kestrel Dunnock Sedge warbler |
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